Tuesday, November 11, 2008

English 3010 - Post 9

Alright, so great news! John McCain and his transparent attempt to garner women voters have lost. This is great news for the nation and the rest of the world, the international community was very excited to see Barack Obama win because they believe that this will be a step in a new direction for not only America; but, the international community as well. After 8 years of so called "Cowboy Diplomacy" read, "acting like a 3-year old who doesn't care what anyone else thinks even in the face of overwhelming evidence," once again we can start working together with other members of the international community.

Now, there has been much controversy about Sarah Palin's wardrobe and the 150K price tag that the RNC paid for the clothes she was wearing on the campaign trail. Now, I don't like to defend crazy, yes crazy, people... so I won't. She's crazy. She's absolutely the worst person for Vice President and with a little luck she'll tear the Republican Party apart into the Moderates and the Crazies, sorry, Conservatives. We need a middle party for those of us that are socially liberal, but still fiscally conservative and currently neither party plays to both of their needs.

So, with a little luck, and whole lot of misdirected anger, the republican party will split into two other parties and take some more conservative democrats with them. Three parties may be benefical to our country.

Anyway, I'm ranting now, so with that I say "good bye." haha.

Monday, November 3, 2008

English Blog- Post 8

Alright, so It's Nov. 3rd, the day before possibly the most important election in American history. Now, usually I don't like to just come and tell people how to vote because free will is our greatest freedom. But, I hope that when you're in the election booth you think of the million of other Americans that go every day without health insurance, that work blue collar jobs in constant fear that they will walk in one day and to find out it's been shipped overseas and fear they won't be able to provide for their families.

I hope that when you check that box in the voting booth you think about all the mothers and fathers that go without meals just so they can feed their children, and I hope you think about our 4000 troops that died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and which canidate wants to bring our troops home and who wants to continue the blood bath in fear of "losing".

I hope that when you vote tomarrow, and you exercise the right that people have died for you to have you vote for the canidate that will unite our nation.

I'm not asking you to vote for any canidate; but to vote against John McCain. We have a right to live without fear.